475 KiB
3 files
3 directories
Index of /files/audio_tools/Spek/

Spek (IPA: /spɛk/, ‘bacon’ in Dutch) helps to analyse your audio files by showing their spectrogram. Spek is free software available for Unix, Windows and macOS.


Filename Modified Size Type
[Parent Directory]---
[[Linux] 0.8.5-beta]24/06/24 20:5524/06/24--
[[Windows] 0.8.5-beta]24/06/24 20:5524/06/24--
[[macOS] 0.8.5-beta]24/06/24 20:5524/06/24--
NEGATIVE_Arbovirus - Uttaradhikar.flac.png29/10/23 13:5829/10/23210 KiB[Download][Save]
README.md29/10/23 13:5029/10/23215 B[Download][Save]
POSITIVE_666 - D.E.V.I.L. (Break The Spell Mix).flac.png29/10/23 13:5829/10/23265 KiB[Download][Save]
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